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MSc. Jakub Suder

Jakub Suder received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in automation and robotics (specialization: vision systems) from the Faculty of Computing of Poznań University of Technology, Poland, in 2018.

He is a PhD candidate at Doctoral School of Poznan University of Technology in Poland since 2018. His research interests include artificial intelligence, edge computing and neural networks in vision systems.

Jakub Suder

He is employee of the Division of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems, Insitiute of Automatic Control and Robotics of Poznan University of Technology as Research Assistant in SMART4ALL (project funded under Horizon 2020) since 2019. Area of scientific interest is improving event detection of vision data in edge and cloud computing, using neural networks and artificial intelligence algorithms. Jakub Suder is also a founder of the IEEE Poznan University of Technology Student Branch.


Poznań University of Technology

Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering

Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics

Division of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems

ul. Jana Pawła II 24

60-965 Poznań

Copyright © 2024Jakub Suder