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  1. Measuring Platform for Quality Testing of Airport Lamps / Jakub Suder (WI), Piotr Maciejewski (WI), Kacper Podbucki (WI), Tomasz Marciniak (WI), Adam Dąbrowski (WI) // Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka – 2019, nr 2, s. 5-13

  2. Electronic measuring matrix for testing airport lamps / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2021, R. 97, nr 2, s. 47-51

  3. Low Complexity Lane Detection Methods for Light Photometry System / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Electronics – 2021, vol. 10, iss. 14, p. 1665-1-1665-22
  4. Spectrum sensors for detecting type of airport lamps in a light photometry system / Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Opto-electronics Review – 2021, vol. 29, no. 4, p. 133 – 140
  5. Possibilities of processing video sequences in embedded systems / Jakub Suder (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2022, vol. 98, no. 1, p. 188 – 191
  6. Parameters evaluation of cameras in embedded systems/ Jakub Suder (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2022, vol. 98, no. 9, p. 216 – 219
  7. Application of the Nucleo STM32 module in teaching microprocessor techniques in automatic control/ Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE) // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny – 2022, R. 98, nr 10, s. 245-248
  8. Microprocessor-based photometric light intensity sensor for airport lamps quality testing/ Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Wojciech Mańczak (WIiT), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // Opto-electronics Review – 2022, vol. 30, no. 4, s. e143396-1-e143396-7


  1. Analysis of Digital Filtering with the Use of STM32 Family Microcontrollers / Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: Advanced, Contemporary Control : Proceedings of KKA 2020 – The 20th Polish Control Conference, Łódź, Poland, 2020 / red. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, Jacek Kabziński, Janusz Kacprzyk: Springer International Publishing, 2020 – s. 287-295

  2. CCTV based system for detection of anti-virus masks / Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: SPA 2020 Signal Processing : Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications : Conference Proceedings, Poznan, 23rd-25th September 2020: IEEE, 2020 – s. 87-91

  3. Evaluation of Embedded Devices for Real-Time Video Lane Detection/ Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System MIXDES 2022 / red. Wojciech Tylman – Lodz, Poland : Lodz University of Technology, 2022 – s. 187-191

  4. Real-time density maps generation of moving objects using embedded systems/ Jakub Suder (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: Proceedings of ELMAR-2022 : 64th International Symposium ELMAR-2022, 12-14 September 2022, Zadar, Croatia / red. Mario Muštra, Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Josip Vuković – Zadar, Croatia : IEEE, 2022 – s. 179-184

  5. Intelligent vision system for quality classification of airport lamp prisms/ Jakub Suder (WARiE), Kacper Podbucki (WARiE), Tomasz Marciniak (WARiE), Adam Dąbrowski (WARiE) // W: SPA 2022 Signal Processing : Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications : Conference Proceedings, Poznan, 21st-22nd September 2022: IEEE, 2022 – s. 151-154


Poznań University of Technology

Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering

Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics

Division of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems

ul. Jana Pawła II 24

60-965 Poznań

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